Hi, I’m AMY.
I bring my endless curiosity and passion for growth to every connection I make. With my supernatural ability to filter information down to its essence, I turn complex, sophisticated ideas into assets and strategies that influence positive change across organizations and beyond.
Opportunity Hacker
Mama • Strategist • Facilitator • Dot-Connector • Opportunity Hacker •
I can see the future. No crystal ball required.
I was born with the ability to see the biggest, brightest, most vibrant potential in everyone and everything I encounter. I combine that superpower with my GPS-Brain to assist purpose-driven brands and founders in creating simple strategies and business models that enable them to scale their impact and revenue without compromising what matters most to them - like time, profitability, or customer experience.
As the author of the international best-seller, The Hustle-Free Business, I literally wrote the book on making marketing and business development fun, easy, and impactful.
And now, I get to use my superpowers to help mission-driven impact companies, particularly those led by women and BIPOC teams and founders, scale without compromising what truly matters - values, profitability, and the joy of the journey.
With over 20 years of experience as a strategist, I utilize my GPS-Brain to connect the dots, uncover hidden opportunities, and shine a light on untapped potential. My supernatural knack for distilling complex ideas into their essence allows me to transform them into powerful assets and strategies that drive meaningful change on a larger scale